Leading Contractor Service
in the USA
Networx is a B2B2C service that connects contractors with end users. It makes a back-end for businesses in one place: leads, portfolio, website, testimonials, and many more.
I joined the Networks Company redesign project with the goal of revitalizing the product and enhancing its conversion rates.

  • Timeline: 4 months
  • My Role: Senior Product Designer
  • Collaboration: 5x PM, UI Designer, 8x Developers
  • Platform: Figma, Invisionapp, Mixpanel
Platform Persona #1
Alex Johnson 35 years old woman who lives in Lehi, UT, USA
  • Bio
    Alex is a marketing professional, she recently purchased her first home, a charming fixer-upper she fell in love with. Alex is passionate about interior design and dreams of transforming her new house into a cozy and stylish haven for herself and her two cats.
  • Goals
    Alex's primary goal is to find a reliable and skilled contractor to help her repair and renovate her new home. The top priority is fixing the leaking kitchen and updating the bathroom.
  • Frustrations
    • Limited expertise in home repairs and renovations.
    • Worries about finding a trustworthy contractor in her aria.
    • Tight budget for repairs.
    • Limited free time to oversee the project.
    • Need assistance in translating her design vision into reality.
Alex Googled Plumber in Lehi
And get into the Flow. In the previous request submission process, Alex encountered numerous challenges. The options were confusing. There were no accompanying icons, no navigation bar for guidance, and no summary of their request before submission. As a result, only about 27% of users completed the flow.
After The Design Update
the completion rate of the request submission has increased to an impressive 58%. Reducing misinformation occurrences by half and introducing immediate access to contractor profiles right after submission. It's allowed users to gain valuable insights into their potential contractors, potentially fostering greater user loyalty.
Platform Persona #2
John Mitchell, contractor from Salt Lake City, UT, USA
  • Bio
    John is a seasoned plumbing contractor with over 15 years of experience. He has since established a solid reputation for providing high-quality plumbing solutions to residential and commercial clients in Salt Lake City area. John is a family man, married with two children, and is actively involved in his local community.
  • Goals
    John's primary goal is to streamline and enhance his plumbing business operations and get new clients. He uses technology to improve customer management, scheduling, and communication. He wants to find a user-friendly platform tailored to his plumbing business, allowing him to efficiently manage all client interactions, appointments, quotes, and job details in one place.
  • Frustrations
    • Manual client management leads to missed appointments.
    • Communication issues with clients cause delays and frustration.
    • Paperwork overload with invoices and service records is time-consuming.
    • Decreasing amount of clients.
    • Inefficient processes hinder ambitious growth goals.
Ultimate Lead Acquisition App
All-in-one solution for buying leads and managing customers. User-friendly interface, integrated templates, automation features, and many more. Precise plan details make budget allocation for new leads a breeze, ensuring John's business gets all the growth opportunities.
Max Senatov
Product Designer
+972 (55) 665-8796